Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Am I Crazy?

You know how you get something in your mind and you just can't shake it?  I have been toying with an idea for sometime now and I think I am ready to have a Home Craft Show.

I know the sign is classy, even for Texas, and I would be hard pressed to find a nice toilet for the yard, but I think I could come up with something!

I saw pictures of a wonderful Christmas Craft Show posted on PrimMart.com  last year and haven't been able to get them out of my mind.  I thought that Cheryl from HandmadebyCheryl did such a fantastic job on her show that it made me think I could do that too!  For all the money I spend in booth rent I could advertise and have a pretty nice show. 

I thought it would be nice to do it with someone else, but the reality is that I work better on my own.  I like to run the show and be the boss and I would only want to do it with someone who had a great customer following and that isn't anyone I know who's items would work well with mine.  I really don't want jewelry or baby things, so I think I would just do it alone.

I have a studio behind my garage and it would be perfect for the show. 

I used to work out there, but to be honest I turned it over to my son's for a Man Cave and they have moved out or moved on from that.  So my little studio is just sitting there being used as a storage room for all my craft show stuff.  So why not make it into a magical little shop for a few weekends in the fall?  My poor little studio needs a face lift {high humidity and heat, do a number on things in South Texas}.  We are going to reside the building and put in a new floor and this baby will be good as new.  I have some great ideas for my humble little building, but this was something that I paid cash for with my Craft Show earnings.  I was quite proud of this little building and know this is Craft Show is something I can make work.

If you have done a home Craft Show post a comment and let me know some of the tricks of the trade!  I mentioned it to my sister and all she said was "Don't you know about the Craig's List killer?"  I wouldn't want people in my house, but the studio is OK and Mr. MySpareTime would be with me, so I feel the freak factor would be low.

I guess what really got me to thinking about all this was I mailed off another booth rent last week and realized it would be the last time I did that show.  I just find it hard to let go. 

I also finished a few more things for inventory.

This is the seat of a cute wooden swivel stool

A vintage front door cut in half and made into a great wall hanging!

A few more wooden signs

A few wooden snowmen,

A cupboard door panel painted and embellished with vintage buttons,

and a cute door panel with snowman. 
{I cut off the part with the vintage scrabble tiles on his scarf}

Let me know if you have any great ideas on the Home Craft Show.
Thanks for stopping by.

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