Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Surprise! It's me.

No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth

or get stolen by a band of traveling gypsies,

life just happened!

It has been months since I posted and I have so much to tell you.
It will take several posts just to fill you in and post all the pictures.

When last we spoke it was July and I was back from visiting my sister and her family. 
We had just gotten aquainted with my new Grand-nephew Finn

(new photo and so darn cute!)

 and things were rocking along toward a busy craft show season. 

Well all hell broke loose and my life has been in a constant state of change.
Let me give you the highlights of the last 8 months.

Our youngest son announced that he had accepted a new job
and was moving to Alabama for two months of training,
was going to marry his long time girlfriend
and that we were going to be grandparents.
{now this was all in one sentence, so you can insert stunned looks
on both Mr. MySpareTime's and my face}

Wonderful sweet family wedding happened over Labor Day.

Successful craft shows

November and December
Very busy holiday seasons on both of the websites

Son and new wife buy a house
and Mr. MySpareTime and I start a major office remodel.

Son and Daughter-in-law move into new house
and go into labor with baby on the same day!
Grandson born!

March - April
Still working on the new office and finally get to move in.

So these are just the highlights of the last few months.
I will fill you in on the details in the next few posts,
but what is going on right now is that we are getting ready
for our very first private show at my studio in October. 
We have set the date (Friday and Saturday October 5th and 6th)
and have started making plans. 
I hope all of you can join us for the party and we have missed you all.

I will post again soon and show you pictures of the last crazy months!!
Talk to you next time.

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