Thursday, September 13, 2012

WooHoo, It's Almost Show Time

Today is the big day, our invitations are going out!
I am excited about getting ready for the show and
as promised I will be posting a new Preview Picture
every day until the show!
So, to get things started lets take a look at
a great Before and After project.
Here is the before of a great set of chairs that Mr. MySpareTime
found at Goodwill several years ago.  There were so many that
these were the last two!  When I was in Canton I saw a great
bench made from two matching chairs and knew this was going
to happen to these babies!
So here it is! 
I love the natural burlap with black
keys on it.  I was so excited I forgot to get a picture
of the pillow that goes with it, a cute natural burlap
pillow with a large black key on the fabric.
Don't you just love it? It would be perfect for an
entry way or family room and it could even go with
an eclectic mix at the dining room table!
So this was the first of my many posts, so Stay Tuned!
Thanks for stopping by.
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