This definition describes the end of our craft show season. As a crafter, it seems like your whole year revolves around the hectic Fall craft show schedule. Either you are thinking about what to make for the shows, busy working on products to take to the shows, worrying about the weather for the shows, packing and unpacking the truck to go to the show or working at the show. All of that can be exhausting.
This year we had a great show season planned. We have been in the crafting business long enough to have worked our way up the vendor ladder and we can now pick and choose the shows we would like to participate in. We are blessed to be able to do this and it has happened through many years of trial and error. Because of the busy work load on my website, Print Me Prim, we had decided to only take part in 4 large established shows. Things were moving right along and I was feeling pretty confident about all the folk art items I had in inventory, because once the craft show season starts it is very hard for me to replenish items I have sold out of. Everything was looking right on target.
Then just when you think you have everything under control, WHAM, reality hits you up side the head. We were affected by Hurricane Ike and we were without electricity and internet for 14 days! Now living in South Texas you come to terms with hurricane season, but boy does it throw a monkey wrench in your work schedule when you are camping out in your own house. So you try to make the best of the situation and work on projects that you can do without electricity. My first craft show was scheduled for 4 weeks after the storm, so I thought no problem. The show was still going to happen and it had been almost a month since Ike tore apart our area, so I was looking on the bright side and figured we would still have a great show! The week before the show the stock market tanked and there went my hopes of a tremendously profitable season.
Well as in most things in life, you cannot explain people or the way they spend money. That craft show was a big success and the two following shows were fabulous! Sales are up, people are spending money and all is right with the world. I am sold out of many items I needed for inventory in my final craft show, so I am busy trying to get enough items to fill my booth, I know it will be a long weekend of work.
I know it seems like I cannot make up my mind, too much work or not enough sales. Like my mother used to say “You would gripe if you got hung with a new rope”, I guess that is true. This is a problem I really don’t mind having and I should be thankful for this problem. Exhaustion really isn’t such a bad thing; it gives you a wonderful feeling of accomplishment, pride in your abilities and satisfaction that people like what you make. So this has been my craft season Tale of Exhaustion!
Take a peek at our craft show booth!