I guess I could blame this on rain and unseasonably cold weather. Who wants to get out and work when it is cold and rainy? I could blame it on family commitments like going to Oklahoma for a surprise 30th wedding anniversary for my sister and her husband. That did take a full weekend, but it was worth every minute spent on that trip. What I really need to blame is myself. I think I work better under pressure and I have a habit of coming up with a million ideas and thinking I can get half of them done in a long weekend!
My real problem has been I have been on a creative roller coaster ride lately. I seem to find too many things I want to try. I took a coarse in jewelry soldering and loved the necklaces I made out of microscope slides.
I have become fascinated by vintage scrabble tiles and have spent way too much time on www.Squidoo.com and www.Etsy.com! There is a whole new world of creativity out there and I feel like Dorothy in the land of Oz. I know there is "No Place Like Home" but the journey is half the fun. You know that Dorothy looked at Kansas a little differently after her wild ride, so sometimes these creative tangents make me take a new and fresh look at my own creations.
Another wild thought I had was I wanted to expand my website, www.MySpareTimeDesigns.com, so I bought a digital tablet and have been taking a course in transforming my sketches into digital patterns. Like I needed something more to fill my spare time. So as you can see my snowmen have been pushed to the back burner right now and I have been busy dabbling in many different art forms.
Creativity comes in many forms. One time someone said I had so many creative ideas and asked what it was like to be in my head. I told her it was like cable TV, a bunch of channels, but all of mine played at the same time! So this is my tale of Creativity and my lack of self-discipline. Check back next month to find out how close I came to my goal!