That is what I feel like right now. This is the start of crunch time before the Fall Craft Shows start and I feel HUMDRUM! That is a great word, it expresses exactly how I feel, like everything is routine.
Have you ever gotten to that point in your crafting where the items that you make are selling successfully and yet making them is starting to feel repetitious? I guess that is why I have been moving more toward new projects and ideas. I WANT A CHANGE!!!
Here are a few things I have been excited about working on. I read somewhere that your brain actually works better when there is a challenge to be solved, I guess that is why I love finding old things at garage sales and thrift stores and making them into cherished holiday treasures. I like seeing the hidden potential in the discarded items.
These doors were found at Habitat For Humanity and I add wooden pieces to make them One Of A Kind. The old doors have antique door knobs and keys added along with original Primitive wood figures. These are embellished with rusty hearts and stars, grungy tags, painting or anything else that strikes my fancy.
I love the way these turned out and I know that they will find the right home at one of my shows. When I finish a project like this I feel like I have created something rather than manufactured something.
That is a fear of mine, that tedium will set in and I won't want to make my crafts anymore! I cannot imagine my life without my Folk Art. If I didn't do this I might have to take up drinking to fill my time and what would be the good in that?
I don't know about you, but I have noticed a trend in my customers; they want to purchase small items. That doesn't mean inexpensive things, just small in size.
Maybe that is because we have all accumulated too much junk and have to worry about storing our Holiday hoard. I know one thing I ask myself when purchasing a new Santa for my collection, "Where will I store that?"
If I am in love with the piece I guess I don't really care if it is the size of an elephant, but smaller is definitely better. In my search to escape monotony I have embrassed Altered Art. Here are a few items that I finished this past week. I love the vintage Santa's and they should be easy to store.
I think that I should be grateful that "the same old thing" sells as well as it does and count my blessings. There is always time to explore and dabble in new things. I can feel comfort in sameness and find pleasure in the routine.
Talk to you next month,