Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Finding Your MoJo

Someone on PrimMart.com was talking about how they had lost their MoJo and how she need to get Mo and Jo back together again.  I know exactly how she feels.  This year has been crazy with so many new projects, and I have found it hard to do anything except come up with new ideas for things to do. 

Mr. MySpareTime says I need to turn off that creative channel in my head and just concentrate on the work at hand.  I am very good at staying on task when I know I have to do something, but lately I have had so many projects pulling me in so many different directions that it is hard to stay focused on just that task.

I have started selling printables on my website www.PrintMePrim.com.  Here is a sample for this month's FREE downloadable address labels. Stop on by and snag this cutie for yourself.

Then I opened an Etsy Shop and Zibbet Shop for selling Kraft Paper Supplies.  That has taken a while to set up my shops and thankfully I have already started making sales.  I am listed as KraftyGirl on Zibbet and KraftyGirldotcom on Etsy.  These shops are just part of my website www.KraftOutlet.com.

Then I spent all day Saturday and Sunday working on OOAK pieces for the craft shows. I don't have them fully completed, but I did get 13 projects cut, sanded and painted.   So my hope is to get all 13 finished and in the game room(storage) by the end of Sunday evening.  I will let you know if I meet that deadline.

Here is a quick peek at what I am currently painting.  I found this old carved spoon at Goodwill for .49cents and then another 30% off that day for a grand total of .34cents.  I thought the old guy looked like a primitive Santa.  I am going to paint something on the bowl of the spoon when I get a chance to finish him.


Thanks for looking and talk to you on Friday!

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