Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Check this out!

Over on my site Kraft Outlet I have added a new Idea Gallery.  Here is a peak of a great idea for our Kraft Journals.  This was done by my talented friend, Ms.S (she chose to keep her identity secret).

I have customers all the time ask me for ideas about what to do with items they see on that website, so to answer those questions and because inquiring minds want to know, I have added this gallery to my blog,
The Kraft Journal.

Just thought I would rant a little today.  It is dreary and raining here and that is pretty much the way I feel.  I bought something on EBay the other day and boy was it a surprise when it arrived.  I have never seen such a mess when I opened the box.  (Sorry I didn't think to take a few pictures)  The items I purchased were these cute recycled tin can candles with vintage Santa pictures on them and when I went to the EBay store that was selling them I noticed they had vintage signs and I was intrigued by the fact that they came scented.  I wanted to learn more!  It said that if you purchased candles the shipping on the sign was FREE!! Well I am a sucker for FREE shipping and decided to bite. I picked out three cute candles and a darling Vintage Halloween sign that had crows on it. (I love crows).  It said that I could pick different scents for each candle and even one for the sign.  I paid and waited with anticipation. 

The box came and I tore into that puppy with zeal! You know you are in for something bad when the product was packed in trash, that's right trash!  Not recycled paper, newspaper or anything else acceptable I can think of, it was old USED Christmas gift wrap, with the stick on labels on it.  Old sacks from Wal-Mart that were torn and wadded up, bits and pieces of TRASH!  That should have been my first clue.  Oh wait, it gets better.  There was a note from the lady under the trash and it said "If you are unhappy with your purchase please contact me and I will make it good."  That should have been hint number two.  The candles were cute and she had a great idea, but I have never smelled anything so bad in my life.  I don't know how you screw up Cinnamon, but this one did.  I have never seen a Christmas candle tinted brown and to top the whole mess off, the sign was made with plywood and the scent was leftover soy wax rubbed into the cracks on the sides of the sign. 

Now I should have know better to order Soy candles in June to be delivered to South Texas, but I wasn't thinking and did.  When I opened that sign I held it up for Mr. MySpareTime to see and got semi-melted wax all over my shirt and hands.  I was not too happy, to say the least.  I will not mention names or post pictures, but I boy did I learn a lesson. Caveat Emptor!
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